Monday, March 28, 2011

This is Haleigh

Once upon a time there were a princess in a tower and a dragon who was going on a castle and the knight tried to save it so he comed and then he was trying to save it but he got on fire so he went in the castle fast and he saved her life and she was so excited to have babies and 100 babies and she loves the babies she has and she has 150.  She loved her favorite families and her friends loved the babies.  Done.  Can I print it?

My job today is weather.  We get behind the easel and we pick it out and we put it on the weather thing.  I've been shape, door holder, calendar, teacher helper.  Hmm..let me think here.  Table inspector.  Let's do the stuff I never did.  Okay.  She never does January, February, she doesn't do straw, she doesn't do pledge of allegiance.  These are all the stuff I never did before.  Done.  Can I print?  

1 comment:

MP Flory said...

Princess Haleigh Bug-

You are so cuuuute! and funny. Done. Can I print?

I love you soooo much. Done. Can I print?

150 babies? Wow, that's a lot of babies and love the babies. Done. Can I print?

- Dad :})