Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Random Thoughts from Mama Bear

Well... there seems to be a lull in the chaos of the everyday and my mind is racing with a thousand thoughts.  What better way to organize it all than by blogging about it?  Not for those who read it but for my own sanity.  Here goes...

1.  Went to Hobby Lobby this morning after dropping off the kids.  I've been wanting to go to the new one in AF for a while but never got to it.  I'm proud of myself for not spending a cent because there are tons of cute things there.  I will have to remember to go there for big flower pots, garden decorations and mirrors.

2.  Going on outings with three little boys is a challenge.  I love to get them out of the house seeing things and they love to go, but it is a chore.  When the two older kids are in school, I sometimes try to take the other three (ages 3,1, and 2 mo) out but usually have the energy to go one place.  There is no such thing as running errands anymore because you can't just run in a store with three little ones, two of which need shopping carts to help transport.  I remember a friend a few years ago that said she never went to playgroups or set up playmates anymore because it was just too hard and I hoped I would never do that, but I suppose I judged too quickly because at this stage, it's just easier to plan fun things at home and do all my running around in the evenings when I can take my time, relax and have room in the shopping cart for my purchases.  When we do go "out," it is easier to go with older kids or Doug to help.  I think this is just how it's going to be for a year or two till I have more kids walking, and independent.  It's all good though because I love our quiet time at home with the three musketeers.  They play together,  take naps, watch Sesame Street and help me around the house.  When people see me and say kindly, "Wow, you have your hands full." I'm not offended because it's fun and wonderful and tiring and true.

3. We are planning a lot of fun events for this weekend.  My parents, sister and her kids are all coming to town for a few days.  I can't wait for my late night sister chats.  We have Wyatt's blessing on Sunday and I'm very excited!  I love those rare times when I can witness Doug giving that special prayer to his children.  Of course, I've planned a fun party afterwards because...well why not celebrate big?  I'm excited about the menu...a good ol' fashioned Texas BBQ.  We've gotta teach these Utahns about real BBQ.  :)  My kids are also really excited to see their cousins and have tons of things planned with them already.  Hopefully they'll go along with it all.  Carter can be pretty persuasive!

4.  We spent memorial day window shopping and pricing out things to buy for the new house.  I wanted to just get things now with the sales but we decided to wait and buy things on the fourth of july sales instead after the house is finalized.  It was exciting and exhausting to think about all the things we need to move in smoothly.  The kids did pretty good yesterday considering that Home Depot and Sears are not the most interesting kid stores.  I think they opened every fridge door they came to, put their heads in every dryer, hopped on and laid down on every mattress and then became hypnotized by the 3-D TV on display.  Unfortunately, the mall we went to ended up not having a toy or candy store.  They'd all brought their little wallets and had been good all day just for those treats, but were left disappointed.  Nothing a trip to Krispy Kreme couldn't cure, of course.

5.  Things with the househunt are still ongoing but approaching the finish line.  We searched for three weeks and it felt like three months.  I must have toured over 30 houses, many of which were great and that we could "make work", but just not perfect for us.  My brain was mush with listings, drive by's, and constant talk of houses.  The kids were very used to spending many nights a week in the car with a movie and snacks while Doug and I traveled around looking at maybe three or four houses at a time while they waited.  Finally, our realtor called about a house outside of the towns we'd been looking in that was perfect for us.  We went that night and within five minutes knew.  That.  was.  our.  house.  Since then, we've had inspections, with the appraisal and more paperwork lined up for this week.  We are trying to not be too excited till we close but it's hard because we really, really love this house.  Hopefully this week we can take the kids to look through it.  We've been giving them hints but that's all and I want them to start getting excited about it like Doug and I have been.  When it's late at night and I'm up with Wyatt in the quiet house, I wonder why we were guided to move here and why were are being guided now to move there.  Time will tell.  It is comforting to know and feel that feeling of being guided.

6.  Summer begins with the end of school this friday.  It's going to be busy, busy, busy.  Five kids to keep entertained, packing, moving, unpacking, two trips planned, one reunion (hopefully), and exploring and adjusting to a new town, ward, school, etc.  I like change so its fun, but as the mom of the crew, it's also got its stresses.  The other day I asked Haleigh if I could play PollyPockets with her and she looked shocked that I wanted and had time to play with her.  I felt bad.  I should have more time to play with them.  I've been trying to make more time for that.

Someone's up...I guess that's all for now.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Family Time

Our new fun game Loopz.  I don't know why but it reminds me of Back to the Future.

Our weather report on the fridge.  You put a magnet on whatever it is.

The new sweatshirt that he never takes off.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011


Carter was awarded his Wolf Badge at cub scouts.  He loves scouts and usually is the one volunteering to do the flag ceremony, skits, prayers, etc.  He'll be moving up to bears in a month and can't wait since he's done almost his whole wolf book.  Some things we've done in scouts are making gifts to give, creating a variety of kites, soon a bike rodeo, this summer a day camp with archery, etc.  He loves it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Uncle Fred's Funeral

Haleigh met her third cousin also named Hailey and they were fast friends.  They stopped playing tag for a minute to take this picture but you can tell they were ready to tag immediately after saying cheese.  It went like this, "Cheeeese!  Tag, your it!"

My great aunt Jan, recent widow and beloved by many.

My father's uncle Fred Donkin passed away last month and there were many there to honor him.  All of my Dad's siblings came, which they said was the first time they'd all been together for 20 years.  I went along with four of my kids too, my first real outing by myself.  Doug was on a business trip.  It was a long but enjoyable day.  We arrived and viewed the body.  Haleigh met her new friend Hailey and their conversations about death were so sweet.  

Hailey:  "That's my Grandpa in there."  (pointing to the coffin)
Haleigh:  "No, That's Uncle Fred."
Hailey:  "He's my Grandpa, but now he's in heaven.  My mom says he's making his special ice cream recipe for Heavenly Father."
Me:  "Haleigh, do you want to see his body?"
Haleigh: "Is his head cut off?"
Me: "No."
Haleigh: "Okay."

Dad, Uncle Gary, Aunt Marilyn visiting from California.  Uncle Gary finally helped me solve my shaky camera problem.  He's a great photographer.   Thanks Gary!

My Uncle Aaron and Aunt Kathie who live in Pleasant Grove.  She knows all there is to know about family history and teaches preschoolers.

My Dad's twin brother Greg.  We love when he visits.  He and my Dad bunked at our house.  He shares my love of Dr. Pepper but unfortunately thinks the Diet version is better.  :)

Haleigh couldn't get enough of their chocolate cake.  She ate about four pieces.  As long as she was quiet, I let her keep going.  

The little one's still hanging in there after 6 hours.  

Haleigh loved her great Aunts.  She wanted to ride with them in their car to the cemetery.  I think she misses girl time with relatives.  

I've been reading about Fred in the histories of his sister and his mother, but didn't know him well myself.  There is also a great book put together by his granddaughter, Ashley that I've read.

Here are some things I learned about my Uncle Fred that I didn't know before.  

  • He "stalked" his wife, Jan, when they first met in the war by finding out her schedule and showing up wherever she was to get to know her better.  
  • He hated going with his mom shopping because she was an avid coupon-er and would go to multiple stores for a few things every week.  He got bored.  
  • He had polio as a child.
  • He was an engineer.
  • He is famous for his secret recipe of ice cream which has been passed down to the daughters.  There was a lot of talk at the funeral about not losing the recipe through the ages.
  • He was known to tease and the week before he died, a nurse asked him if he was strong enough to shower and he replied that he needed a few more days (referring to his smell)
  • He made wonderful homemade bread and pies
  • He was the loudest snorer
  • When his children would come home with B's on their report card, he wouldn't be satisfied and would ask, "Is that the best you can do?"
  • He loved BYU football and had season tickets, then would go home and watch it again on TV, yelling at the TV as he watched.