Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mother's Day events reminded me of what I've read lately about the two awakenings of Adam. 

Adam is formed, God "breaths into his nostrils the breath of life" and Adam awakens the first time -- he becomes a living soul. God goes about planting and watering the garden which is eastward in Eden and then He puts Adam in the garden and tells him to "dress and keep the garden", and informs him of which trees he can eat; God tells him "don't eat of the tree of good and evil"

Interestingly, Eve is not present to hear this "thou shalt not eat of it" in GenesisAbraham or Moses.

It's not clear how much time passes (it's a different time anyway), or what Adam is doing, by himself in the garden. But God and Jehovah say that Adam has not an help meet. So, God forms the animals from the ground and brings them to Adam for naming. But still no suitable companion.

Which is not good for Adam to be running around alone, without his help meet. God informs Jehovah that they will cause a deep sleep to come over Adam and when he awakens again, he will not remember anything, he will be like a little child, and he will be known as Adam, not Michael. He will not remember that he had any part in the forming of the world. His memory will be wiped clean. Blitz. This is when our little rib surgery takes place -- while he is in this deep sleep. Adam wakes up this second time and finds a woman, and names her Eve, because she is the mother of all living. They go into the garden together. And I am guessing he no longer remembers what he named the animals. But we are given the counsel from God, that it's good for a man to leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife.

So, there you have it, two births of Adam. Two awakenings. Maybe one is a birth and one is an awakening after a deep sleep that erases his memory.

I asked Doug on our latest date if when he met me, he had his second awakening.  Like his Life before Michelle and his Life after Michelle self.  It was an interesting conversation and very sweet.  I hadn't thought of this idea of a "second awakening" in this context before.  Any thoughts from you all?

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