Sunday, February 3, 2013


Following up on my AZ weekend vacation, here is my dad and I heading off to a rockin' concert...Barry Manilow.  I've professed my love for him on this blog before found HERE.  My dad used to sing me his songs when I was little at bedtime and I know every word of every song!  Which led to a loud and fun concert with us dancing to Copacabana (or as my kids call it Cocoa Banana), waving our light sticks and belting out Mandy.  I lost my voice for a few days.  When people asked how I lost my voice, I'd proudly say "At a concert" and leave out the Barry Manilow part. :)  

1 comment:

Natalie B. said...

Okay, that is so hilarious!!! You won't believe it but every time I hear Mandy I think of you and your dad. I remember driving in your minivan around and your Dad had it cranked up and he was singing full blast. I thought he was such a cool dad! I can't help but think of it every time I hear the song. Awesome that you guys went to the concert together!