Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Summer Heat

Every day begins with a cheerful smile, and by the end-most of the family is grumpy because of one very large, very obvious reason...we live in Arizona. Why do people choose to live in this heat? It has been over 115 every day and last night with some thunderstorms, it dropped to below 100. Add five or more degrees to my personal baby temperature and I'm ready to move to Alaska! My grocery bill is mostly beverages-kookaid, water, juice, juiceboxes, capri suns, and otterpops. So, to encourage our goal to move to Utah where there are mountains, family, and green trees and grass-I've made a vision board to look at everyday. Let's hope my positive thinking works!


peachytiffers said...

I want to see it. You should post a picture of it and explain it. Then we all could send positive energy to your causes. :)

MP Flory said...

It is pretty lame right now. It needs your "T's" from card making!

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

It was fun seeing pictures of you guys! Owen wants to go back to Carter's house cuz it is so cool! We miss you guys! (I didn't know you were expecting! Congrats!!!!)