Wednesday, November 20, 2013

MomShell 2013

This may be a weird post, but I thought I'd share one of my personal goals this year...try to be more health and beauty conscious.  It's funny because as I write this I'm in my PJ's with no makeup on and my hair in a ponytail, but hey, a girl can dream, right?   I titled this project...MomShell 2013.  Below are some of my attempts and products.  Beware, selfie pics seem so weird to me...

New glasses for reading...I'm getting old!

Lotions for post-surgery scars.

Not my favorite enzyme for gall bladder free digestion.

Teeth whitening kit

Heel softener from my sister in it!

The spots from my gestational diabetes aftermath from Max's birth.  Doug got me a gift certificate to a spa for laser treatments last year to try to help with those.  These pictures are PRE...

Eye lash growth serum I got for my birthday...

PRE pic of eye lashes...

POST eye lashes and skin treatment...

Plus...I decided to go red.  It didn't even hurt my feelings when Haleigh said it looked like last years Halloween wig. (Okay...maybe a little!)

Now, to lose the baby weight accumulated from four little boys in five years. 


Natalie B. said...

Loved this post! I got some LI last two years ago for Christmas and I am JUST not running out! I love it. Now I only use it like every other day or so and that's why I have had it so long! I have those dang spots in the SAME place on my face too. I didn't know they were from gestational diabetes but come to think about it I go them AFTER some of my last pregnancies where I am always border line. So does the laser work? I want details! Bonus for me in the last pregnancy I got "mask of pregnancy" on my face so it looks like I have a mustache and big spots everywhere, terrible! It gets worse in the sun. Oh, and I have gall bladder issues too...does that stuff work? We can swap tips...I will swat some weight loss things that worked for me and you give me more details! ha ha

Natalie B. said...

*Lash I meant!

Natalie B. said...

Okay, too many typos to fix! Sorry, didn't proof read. :)

Jill said...

I think that's a good goal. It's so easy to get lost in "mom-dom" that we forget that we are still sexy women. I like the red! What do kids know, anyway? Halloween wig, ppshh!:) It sucks to get old!