Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A letter I found...

Dear Santa,

Miles and Carter and Louis are coling me names and they are kicking me and I'm chrying to tell them I want to rite my name on the banner for mom so about that... can you put them on the noty list please? Gease wut.  Max can youse his hands wen he drenks his milk.  Is that osam rite?  Wen your finished then give it back.  Rite on the back.

PS Can you tell me if I'm on the good list and tell me if you put them on the bad list.


Thank you Santa

Thank you so.  From (heart) Haleigh Flory

PS We have an elf on the shelf

mush you

1 comment:

Santa Clause said...

Hello Haleigh-

Thanks for the note that you wrote to me. I am watching all boys and girls to see if they are on the nice or naughty list. Christmas is coming soon, so I need to get back to making sure the toys are ready.

Merry Christmas!
S. Clause