Sunday, July 25, 2010

A New Life

I've been thinking about something my mom used to say when we moved in the army. We'd remind ourselves of the positives and one would always be that in our new home/place, all my clothes would seem brand new to everyone else. We'd talk about what kind of person we wanted to be. While I was outgoing and very social in one home/place, perhaps I wanted to be shy in my new location. Or if I didn't like talking in crowds before, perhaps I could try to break out of my shell in this new place that no one knew me. It was interesting to think that with the convenience of moving every one to three years, you had the chance to start over if you wanted to. All those pieces of me added up

So, now I'm in a new place for the first time in a long time and I've been reminded of my mom's advice. I'll always be a wife and mom, first and foremost. It's the most joyful thing in this life. But...I've been the student, I've been the teacher, I've been the professor, now I think it's time to do what I've said for years I want to do but never had time Why? I don't know why. I just want to. I want to see my name on a shelf at the bookstore. I told Doug the other day that since we are here and have nothing, I want to start fresh and really write. What have I got to lose? He supports me, of course.

Moving is always cathartic for military kids.


Mary said...

Go for it Michelle! You can do it. That's how I felt when we moved back to Utah after being in Wisconsin for a year. We lived in an apartment for 6 months but when we bought our house and started to settle in I really felt like it was time for me to finish up my schooling. It's like you said, sometimes moving just gives you that push to do something different and try something new.

Natalie Francis said...

You'll make a great author! I'll be first in line to buy your book. Make it good :)

The Pierce Family said...


I read Hunger Games and LOVED it. Thanks for the recommendation. Then Jase read it in one night. I tuly believe you could write a book like that--not one that's gory and full of death--a best seller. Your family has a lot of talent for writing, and you are really smart. Go for it!