Friday, January 8, 2010

Michelle's Rant and Rave

Michelle: If I have to clean up any more pee in this house, I'm going to scream! Louis peeing, Miles peeing (he's potty training) and these dumb dogs peeing all over my kitchen! AAhhh!!!

Later that day...

Michelle: Charlie! Buddy! (the dogs who just peed an olympic size pool under the dining room table) OOUUUUTTT!!!! That's it! We are selling these dogs! I'm sick of this! I'm the only one who takes care of these dogs! aAsdfashdfghsodgpasdoghsdghasdasdklflhttst! (that's me ranting for another five minutes as the kids play nearby but don't worry--it was G- rated)

Doug: Okay, Okay! Calm down! We'll talk about it later!

Later that night as I tuck Haleigh into bed:

Haleigh: (Imagine a whisperry, sweet voice) Mom, please don't sell the dogs. They are really important to me. (Michelle's heart melts a little) I have plans. I want to still teach them to sit, and roll, and fetch. I want to take them on walks. ( so, basically they don't know how to do anything) Please don't sell them. Remember that lady who gave us the dogs before (wow...that was a year ago when you were three, how do you remember that?" She wanted us to take care of them. I want to take care of them.

Michelle: We'll talk about it in the morning with your dad. (He's got to hear this speech. It's too cute. )


Nick and Maddy Winward said...

That is too funny and cute!! Good luck with that decision!

Erica Like America said...

I insisted when my family started backing out on the plan to sell our dog. We sold her today and it ended up that I was the only one that cried. The dog decisions are so tough, especially with Haleigh's cuteness!