The random blog posts are continuing to grow larger and larger.

Here are the two little ones hanging out in Dad's office.
The school principal enjoying the Cowboy themed Principal's Day I planned.
Lots of pics of Max being cute inbetween the times he's a devil.
Licking the brownie bowl....kind of...
A craft Haleigh made at activity days.
Homework while watching shows.
Carter's field trip to the Antelope island in the middle of the Great Salt Lake.
Before church pics...
Haleigh's latest talent of painting my toes with designs...
I posted this on facebook with the caption, "I'm constantly searching for these at Walmart."
Trying to take naps on my bed, but faking it.
Post bath "awesome hair"
A new tradition we have to keep a picture of Christ by our bed and then trade them every fast sunday. This is when the boys were in my room due to a remodel.
Wyatt photobombs...
Documenting coming home from school one day...