It is rare for all of my brothers and sister and mom and dad to be in town at the same time since we have two in the Air Force but this summer everyone came to town so that equals REUNION or as the mom's nicknamed it...The Binge Bond. We stay with each other day and night for a week till we are sick of each other, or in this case till everyone really did get sick with a 24 hour flu.
Here are my brothers heading out to an Ironman race.
Fajita's at my house one night.
Hiking to a waterfall.
Ice blocking and family picnic sunset dinner.

Thanksgiving point exploring and water fun.
Family home evening about Baptism with smores. All the baptized cousins bore their testimonies, sang, Haleigh sang a solo, and I did a lesson about important dresses in my life and in Haleigh's.

A highlight for the cousins was the Kid Olympics put on my brother. Teams with captains and awards at the end. They loved the events!
HulaHoop circles
Cheese puffs toss onto shaving cream heads
Hit grandpa with water balloons target practice.
Long jump...
Fourth of July Parade
Ball Toss and Coin find...
Movie Outing...
Family pictures...
Grown Up's dinner out with Favorite Things Exchange
Game Night. Here we are playing Newlyweds game